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Brewsday March 26th 2025

Tuesday is BREWSDAY! This means $2 beers from 5pm to close and a little history about the craft beer brewed at the taproom. 🍺 Owner and head brewer, Scott, writes: “I started my brewing journey way back in 1992 as a recent graduate from Chico State. Sierra Nevada was the beer of Chico, and my housemate Kevin and I had developed a taste for craft beer. We decided to take a leap and try our hand at homebrewing. We walked into The Homebrew Shop in downtown Chico and announced our desire to brew our own beer. Behind the counter was a guy about our age named Christian Pointer. It was pretty apparent that Christian was quite familiar with proclamations such as ours, and kindly set about collecting the various things we would need for our first brew. I am sure he had little hope that we would ever make any palatable beer, and was likely equally hopeful we wouldn’t ask him to sample it once we made it. Little were either of us to know it at the time, but this was the beginning of a now 37 year partnership of brewing, drinking, and traveling in the pursuit of great beer. Christian has been my brother in brewing from day one and is also part owner of Sutter Buttes Brewing Company. If it had not been for the chance encounter all those years ago, I would no doubt be on a different path and Sutter Buttes Brewing would not exist as it does now. Christian flies down from his home in Seattle once a month to collaborate and brew with me. So raise a glass of your favorite Sutter Buttes’ brew to Christian next time you’re in and say hello if he is here. Prost!”

Brewsday March 18th 2025

Tuesday is BREWSDAY at the Sutter Buttes Brewery restaurant and taproom - enjoy $2 beers from 5pm to close. This week, we'll be brewing another double-batch of Prost! Lager, our best-selling beer since its debut in 2023. Lagers like Prost! take longer than other beer styles to ferment and must be aged for weeks to create the smooth character its fans have come to expect. The process of lagering dates back to the days before refrigeration when Munich breweries would keep their beer in cellars beneath the brewhouse chilled with ice brought down from the nearby Alps. The beer would then cold age (lager) for weeks and sometimes months. This cold aging clarified the beer and gave it the character and balance that has become the trademark of the Munich style lager. Prost! took home the Gold Medal for this beer style in last summer’s CA State Fair Commercial Craft Beer Competition. Tuesdays are the perfect day to #drinklocalcraftbeer! 
#craftbeer #localbrewery


Brewsday March 11th 2025

It's BREWSDAY! That means $2 beers 5pm - close and a behind the scenes look at how your favorite brews are made. With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, we're thrilled to announce the return of Riley's Red IPA - the first beer ever brewed at SBB. Over the past few weeks, in one of the large fermenters you see behind the bar, yeast have been converting the sugars in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The temperature has been meticulously controlled and daily pH and gravity measurements ensure everything proceeds smoothly. This week Riley's will go through the final steps to get it ready for the first pour on March 16th. At SBB we never filter our beer, which can strip flavor. Instead we use traditional fining methods to achieve clarity. In a few days we'll begin slowly dissolving additional carbon dioxide into the beer and keg it up for your enjoyment! Sláinte! #DrinkLocal #downtownyubacity #brewingscience #craftbeer #localbrewery

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Brewsday March 4th, 2025

It’s almost time for 2-buck BREWSDAY! (5pm to close)
The best brew days run like clockwork! From mash tun to kettle to fermenter, every step is a labor of love and precision and timing are everything. Here’s a little behind the scenes look at today’s brew of Water Tower IPA. It all starts with the mash, where malted barley and other grains meet water at just the right temperature. In time, starch is converted into sugars. The careful work of the brewer leads to just the right amount of fermentable sugar in the solution (called wort). Munich light malt will give Water Tower it’s characteristic color and the sugar content determines its ABV (6.5%). The wort is filtered through the bed of spent grain and the grain is lautered (rinsed) to extract remaining sugars as the clarified wort transfers over to the kettle to be boiled and hopped. Water Tower IPA features 4 hop varieties, including Citra and Idaho 7. (Can you guess the others?) Following the boil, the wort is cooled and sent to a large fermenter (“unitank”) to be pitched with yeast and made into the beer you enjoy. Prost! #craftbeer #localbrewery #SutterButtesBrewing #DrinkLocal #downtownyubacity #brewingscience

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